Ready, Set…Train! 🤝🏼 Canine Karma

We teamed up in 2025 to train more dogs, teach more people, and create more calm, content canines… all without the use of force, pain, fear, intimidation, or aversive training tools like prong collars and electronic collars. We love dogs, and we use modern, ethical, evidence-based techniques to help dogs build confidence, change unwanted behaviors, focus on their owners around distractions, and live in harmony together with their family. We have multiple dog training certifications from the most reputable independent educational institutions and professional dog training organizations, and we are accountable to their ethical requirements surrounding the humane treatment of our animal companions - the highest available professional standards in the field of dog training.

Oh… and we also have a combined 25+ years of experience here in Toledo. We have used these proven methods to help dogs of all ages, breeds and backgrounds, with a soft spot for our 1400+ combined reactive and aggression cases.

Learn more about Ready, Set…Train! | Learn more about Canine Karma

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