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Beginner Good Manners

  • 6549 Angola Road Holland, OH, 43528 United States (map)

Our 5-week Beginner Good Manners class will teach you and your dog all the foundation skills you need to have a happy well behaved canine partner. We focus on teaching skills that don't just work in the classroom but in real life situations as well!

By the end of the course owners will be able to recognize, capture, and reinforce their dogs good behavior, while managing inappropriate behaviors. Owners will also learn how to teach their dogs new skills using positive reinforcement methods.

Dogs will learn foundation skills that will be beneficial in real life situations. Behaviors include: Targeting, Come When Called, Loose Leash Walking, and Impulse Control around other dogs and people. By the end of this 5-week course your dog will be calmer and have better focus around other dogs and people.

April 5

Community Game Night (Humans Only)

April 13

Advanced Good Manners